HCCA Kite Festival 2023

Uttarayan – Kite Festival in Burlington, Ontario.

Halton Community and Cultural Association (HCCA)
invites you to join the “
Uttarayan” (KITE FLYINGevent at Burlington, Ontario.HCCA 2023 Kite Festival

HCCA 2023 Uttarayan – Kite Festival.

Uttarayan is a famous festival celebrated in the western state of Gujarat, India. It is also known as Makar Sankranti in other parts of the country. The festival is dedicated to the sun god and marks the sun’s transition into the zodiac sign of Capricorn (Makar Rashi).

Uttarayan is celebrated every year on the 14th of January, coinciding with the winter solstice. The festival signifies the end of winter and the beginning of longer days. It is also considered an auspicious time for Hindus, marking the sun’s movement towards the northern hemisphere.

The most prominent feature of Uttarayan is the flying of kites. The skies in Gujarat come alive with colorful kites of various shapes and sizes. People of all ages participate in kite-flying competitions, trying to cut each other’s strings and bring down their kites. The atmosphere is vibrant and joyful, with music, dancing, and traditional Gujarati food adding to the festivities.

In addition to kite-flying, people indulge in other traditional activities during Uttarayan. They prepare special delicacies like undhiyu (a mixed vegetable dish) and chikkis (sweet snacks made of jaggery and nuts). Families and friends gather on rooftops and terraces to celebrate, fly kites, and enjoy the sunny weather.

Uttarayan is celebrated in Gujarat and other parts of India with regional variations. The festival holds cultural and social significance, promoting unity, joy, and the spirit of camaraderie among people.

Herein Canada, we continue the tradition in Summer as it wouldn’t be possible to celebrate Kite flying in January. 

About Event:

There are two-time slots available to join the Burlington Kite Festival event. They are from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. You can buy tickets for both time slots if you wish to stay the whole day. Please pick the time slot while purchasing the ticket. HCCA 2023 Kite Festival

The ticket price includes the following:

  • Food
  • Music
  • Parking

You can purchase the following:

  • Ice Cream
  • Water and Soft Drinks
  • Kite

Outside Kites are not allowed.

Tickets can be purchased only through AllEvents.in

Kids under age 3 are free and full tickets are for ages three and up.

**No refunds for HCCA 2023 Kite Festival**