The World is Family

The South Asian documentary, ‘The World is Family’ directed by esteemed documentarian Anand Patwardhan, world-premiered at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF 2023), in which he produces a portrait of his parents, whose families were intertwined with Gandhi and India’s independence movement. In conversation with correspondent Asha Bajaj on the sidelines of TIFF2023, he says that the film is the story […]

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Difficult circumstances always offer us invaluable lessons: Debra Atlas

Cover of the Book. Image credit: Debra Atlas

A review of Debra Atlas’s book ‘You Aren’t Depression’s Victim’ is given by Asha Bajaj, editorial director, publisher, and marketing of Canadian Media.  In her book ‘You Aren’t Depression’s Victim,’ Debra Atlas empowers readers with uplifting messages and thought-provoking possibilities through her own experiences, pitfalls, and enlightenment. Having lived through deep wells of depression in her life, Atlas learned […]

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Action should enhance the story, not always be the story: Cory DeMeyers

Danny Boy Feature Drama

Toronto: The 12-minute L.A. noir explores challenges the perceptions of friendship, loyalty, masculinity, and homophobia. Set against a heist in progress, Danny Boy delves into these topics through a very intimate lens. Cory DeMeyers, director and producer of Danny Boy, is a former Red Bull world champion athlete,  turned stuntman, and the recipient of the […]

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